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Information-efficient Text Entry

Dasher is a truly innovative free software package that allows the user to write efficiently, without a keyboard, by simple steering gestures. Writing
  hello with Dasher Steering with an ordinary mouse, beginners can write at 25 words per minute after an hour of practice. Dasher can be used equally easily with touchscreens, head-mice, or eyetrackers. It's useful for people with special needs, for children, and for anyone who wants an alternative to a keyboard. With Dasher, you can write in almost any language. Dasher is available for all the major personal computer platforms: GNU/Linux, Windows, and MacOS-X. It's free software, and will always be free.

Dasher is fast, efficient, easy to learn, and fun to use.

To try it out, visit www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/dasher/. Read the tips for beginners, download Dasher, and steer away!