Version 3.2 new features
The key new features of Dasher 3.2.0
- One-dimensional mode; start on mouse-position - making it possible
for someone who can only move one muscle to write with Dasher
and stop and start Dasher themselves.
- Control mode - giving rudimentary stop, pause, edit, and speech options.
- Alphabet + colour options - many new alphabets to choose from,
plus the option to define your own colour schemes.
- Speech is available in both Windows and Linux.
- Language model has a new user-adjustable parameter, which controls
how much real-estate is devoted to predicting characters that are
not predicted by the language model proper. (Default 5%, but
beginners, or people writing bizarre documents, might like to increase this.)
Version 3.2 information for Developers
Making version 3.2 under Debian
From a fresh CVS checkout, you need to do ./autogen.sh in order to
generate the configure scripts and makefiles, and then make. Eigg is
probably the best machine to do this on - the libraries required for
building Dasher aren't on all of the systems yet.
The Dasher project is supported by the Gatsby Foundation and by the European Commission in the context of the AEGIS project - open Accessibility Everywhere: Groundwork, Infrastructure, Standards) David MacKaySite last modified Fri Oct 1 10:33:22 BST 2010